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Yes. As long as you follow our workouts sequentially and pay attention to our symptom checker and the form we describe then strength training is not only safe but really effective in regaining function post baby. If you are unsure at all we recommend seeking advise with your healthcare provider.

Our six pack muscles (rectus abdominis) are joined by a thin connective tissue called your line alba. This naturally lengthens in pregnancy to allow your baby to grow and so there is separation of the two muscle bellies. This is called a Diastasis recti and can be of crying sizes, depths and lengths. It has a natural recoil for the first 8 weeks so don’t be concerned if you notice this gap in that period. We have a self assessment check in stage 2. Our stages are designed to support and facilitate small diastasis healing but if you have any concerns that you have a diastasis that isn’t improving or worsening then we recommend seeing a womens health physiotherapist or your healthcare provider for further assessment and treatment.

Pelvic organ prolapse is when one or more of the organs in the pelvis (womb, bowel or bladder) slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. Symptoms commonly include a feeling of heaviness, dragging or pressure in your pelvic area. It may feel like something is coming down into your vagina, or you may actually see a bulge our lump in or coming out of your vagina. There any be other symptoms such as discomfort or numbness during sex, or continence changes. If you are experiencing these symptoms we recommend seeing a womens health physiotherapist or healthcare provider to give you a full assessment and advise on exercise.

Yes. We have numerous healthcare providers who not only recommend our programmes but have used it themeless for their own exercise and rehabilitation. All of our methods are evidenced based, utilising the most recent guidelines and medical recommendations.

This programme is designed specially for women. It integrates your core and pelvic floor and cues this throughout and we will continue to add to it to give you female specific training strategies to help you achieve your goals.

The pregnancy method

Yes absolutely. Unless you have been advised otherwise by your healthcare provider, there is no evidence that physical activity increases the risk of miscarriage, pre term labour or low birth weight. We talk you through ways to exercise safely in our foundations section.

Yes, not only is strength training safe but it is also highly effective in supporting your joints to allow you to move effectively and minimise your changes of pelvic pain. We talk you through suitable weights to use technique and progressions throughout our classes. Check out Betsan’s blog about strength training.

There are numerous benefits to exercising Including decreasing the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension and preeclampsia by u to 40%, assisting with constipation management and maintaining a healthy weight and minimising your chances of pelvic girdle pain by increasing your core strength. Women who exercise generally report a positive pregnancy and birth, and after post partum recovery.

It is important to stay hydrated pre, during and post exercise and ensure you intake enough calories through the day, an extra 200 in the third trimester.

Avoid exercising in hot and humid conditions and wear loose fitting but supportive clothing for your comfort. We talk you through it all in our foundations section.

If you experience severe abdominal, calf, back or pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, Excessive SOB, dizziness, faintness or palpitations , persisted severe headaches, red, hot or swollen calf, or any signs of labour commencing (uterine contraction, waters leaking) we advise you stop excessing and seek medical attention.

150mins of moderate intensity aerobic exercise each week over a minimum of 3 days, including aerobic, resistance and pelvic floor exercises. We offer all of this and more in our pregnancy programme.

We advise use the talk test throughout workouts, being able to still talk in full sentences or using the rating off perceived exertion scale (RPE) which is in our download section.

Yes, but we advise waiting until your 13th week of pregnancy to start any new exercise, and build up slowly.

Generally in a normal pregnancy you can continue with your exercise regime, avoiding contact sports or sports with a risk of falling. Depending on your level you may need to adapt and scale down depending on how you feel. This isn’t the time to aim for peak fitness or significant strength gain but a maintenance phase, to then build upon once baby is here.

Yes absolutely and we have specific workout planners to support you, workout adaptations and physio clinic advise.

Yes absolutely. We have specific sections on how to modify your workouts if you have a prolapse and physio clinic advise.

The post natal method

Stage 1 is safe to start after having your baby unless you have been advised not to by your healthcare provider. The exercises are gentle and low level, facilitating your recovery whilst protecting your healing tissues.

They range from 10-30minutes.

Some of the workouts do involve using a resistance band, dumbbell or kettle bell and ball/pillow. These are not essential however and you can still do the programmes without these.

This will be completely dependent on how you feel, how much time you have and your delivery and recovery. Everyone is different so we advise to progress at your own pace. We have provided a workout planner in stage 2 to help guide your progression. The exercises for your pelvic floor and core are safe to do daily in stage 1. Pay attention to our symptom checkers for signs that you are doing too much or need to seek an assessment from a women’s health specialist.

We have given rough time frames of when it is safe to begin each stage. It is important to only progress when you feel strong and able to complete the exercises in the previous stage or phase without symptoms. Our workout planner in stage 2 will help guide you on this.

The workouts become progressively more strenuous depending on your stage of healing, symptoms and strength levels. They are designed to be easily progressed or regressed depending on how you feel but all will leave you with a feel good factor and safe and sweaty workout. There are also pilates stretch programmes for days when you want to slow down and mobilise the stiff and tight areas.

Our programme is designed to facilitate your healing so unless you have been advised otherwise you are safe to start stage 1 when you feel ready. We advise not to progress to more dynamic exercises and stage 2 until your wound has fully healed and you have been cleared to exercise by your healthcare provider.

Yes absolutely. It doesn’t matter how many years post natal you are, still work through our stages progressively.

If you have a prolapse we recommend seeng a women’s health specialist to help guide you with your exercise prescription. Our programme is designed to support women with prolapse however, progressing through the stages as your symptoms allow.

Yes. Our programme has been carefully designed to facilitate your diastasis healing as long as you progress through the stages in sequence. If it doesn’t improve or worsens we recommend seeking assessment from a women’s health physiotherapist.

No, not unless you have been advised otherwise by your healthcare provider. Stage 1 is carefully designed to facilitate your healing, in supportive positions during this early 6 week recovery phase.

No, not unless you have specifically been advised to wait exercising by your GP or healthcare provider. Many GPs don’t actually offer post natal assessments now and are pleased they have our programme to direct their patients to unless there are any specific contraindications to you exercising.


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